quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2009


A Delegação Regional do Centro da APSS está a organizar, para o próximo dia 6 de Junho, uma caminhada pelas aldeias serranas da Lousã.
A receita desta iniciativa reverterá para o Fundo do Processo de Constituição da Ordem dos Assistentes Sociais.
Participe e divulgue!
Contamos consigo…

Delegação Regional do Centro da A.P.S.S.
Apartado 4101 – E.C. São José – 3030-999 Coimbra

terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2009


Livro da Colega Sónia Guadalupe

Já o encontram nas livrarias, mas também o podem encomendar no site da Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (ou aqui, nas informações gerais encontram os pontos de venda, havendo também distribuição para a FNAC e Bertrand) (Email: livrariaiuc@ci.uc.pt).
Em Coimbra encontram-no facilmente na livraria ao pé das escadas monumentais…

Brevemente encontram o índice e excertos no GoogleBooks, enquanto tal não acontece, ficam com a tabela dos conteúdos:

1. As interconexões do Serviço Social com a Sistémica

1.1. Serviço Social e Sistémica, uma relação consolidada

1.2. Uma epistemologia para o Serviço Social

1.3. A Sistémica como um “sistema afastado do equilíbrio”: evoluções e transformações

1.4. Implicações e articulações da Sistémica nos valores profissionais

2. Rede Social, um conceito polissémico

2.1. Os conceitos de rede social

2.1.1. Rede social pessoal

2.2. Redes primárias e secundárias

3. O diagnóstico social da rede de suporte social

3.1. Características da rede de suporte social

3.2. Dimensões da rede de suporte social

3.2.1. Dimensão estrutural da rede de suporte social

3.2.2. Dimensão funcional da rede de suporte social O suporte social Funções genéricas do suporte social percebido e recebido Funções específicas de suporte social Outras características funcionais na avaliação do suporte social

3.2.3. Dimensão relacional e contextual da rede de suporte social

4. Instrumentos de diagnóstico e planificação da intervenção social

4.1. Instrumentos padronizados de avaliação do suporte social

4.2. Programas informáticos para análise e visualização de redes sociais

5. A intervenção em rede no Serviço Social

5.1. A relevância dos vínculos sociais na intervenção social

5.2. Trabalhar no contexto de uma rede de redes

5.3. Convicções e interrogações em torno do trabalho em rede e da intervenção em rede em Serviço Social

6. Modelos e modalidades de intervenção em rede

6.1. Modelos de intervenção em rede

6.2. Outras modalidades e experiências de intervenção em rede

Parabéns do GRINAPSS!

domingo, 17 de maio de 2009


You are striving for the best cooperation between social work practitioners and scientists in urban areas? for a better knowledge production in social work?

Research and Social Work In Urban Areas

Evaluation of models of co-operation between research and practice -
a quest for cooperative models offering added value

Conference 24-26 September 2009
Antwerp (Belgium)

University of Antwerp - Artesis Hogeschool - Karel de Grote-Hogeschool

Master of Social Work

Limited number of external participants: 70

Eight teams of researchers, social workers and local/regional authorities based in six European urban areas present an evaluation of their collaboration. Most projects focus on young people.

Four key-note speakers:
Ian Shaw, University of York (UK)
Hugh McLaughlin, Salford University (UK)
Daniel Gredig, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Olten (CH)
Hans Van Ewijk, Research Centre Social Innovation at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences
(NL), Tartu University (Estonia)

Supported as an innovative project by the EASSW (European Association of Schools for Social Work)


website www.ua.ac.be/rswu
contact ward.govaerts@ua.ac.be


Round Table: "Reducing the Psychosocial Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis", held in Brussels on 27 April 2009

The current financial and economic crisis creates risks for the mental health and well-being of people, and these need to be tackled. This was the outcome of a Round Table on "Reducing the Psychosocial Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis", which the Commission organised in Brussels on Monday.
Participating in the event were research experts, representatives of the EU, Member States, regions, civil society, schools, the workplace and health professionals.
The round table found that the negative impact of the crisis on the health and well-being of people emerges only slowly. Member States will be affected in different ways. This makes it difficult to quantify the psychosocial harm. But some early figures from Latvia indicate for 2008 a 50% increase of first-time diagnoses of certain psychiatric disorders and a rise of suicide by 15%. This is in line with an increase of anxiety disorders and sleeping problems in Sweden during a crisis in the 90's and with observations in schools and workplaces. These effects increase the vulnerability to physical illness and heart disease. They can begin during a financial crisis, but may last long after the crisis has ended.
Marginalised population groups are especially at risk. Therefore the round table highlighted the need for promoting social justice through the crisis. Curbing increasing youth unemployment is also highly important. The crisis would not be a time to reduce resources for mental health care or social support nets. Instead, schools, workplaces and communities should, in the longer term, invest more in preventive action and promoting well-being.
Promoting and strengthening the EU's mental capital is also necessary because of demographic changes, which will force people to be even more flexible and productive. More research should be done to measure the economic cost of stress.
The Round Table event was part of the implementation of the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being launched in 2008 at a high-level conference hosted by Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou in cooperation with Commissioner Vladimír Špidla. Under the Pact, a series of thematic conferences will be organised with Member States during 2009 and 2010. Furthermore, the Commission is funding research on the measurement of mental health problems in Europe to serve as basis for a technical discussion on defining possible indicators under the Open Method of Coordination on Social Protection and Social Inclusion.