IFSW President, Dr David N Jones, has been awarded a doctorate in social work by Warwick University after a period of research and study lasting for 10 years. His research examined aspects of the evaluation of social work practice and management through the process of inspection.
David commented: ‘it is a great relief to have successfully concluded this long period of research and study. Social work is an emotionally and intellectually demanding profession. I believe that it is very important that individuals show the connections between emotion and intellect and between practice, management and academia. A strong profession derives its strength from all these elements working together effectively in creative tension. I am pleased that I have been able to show that this is possible.
‘Social work needs to strengthen these links and I am glad that the peak global bodies are doing that through the growing partnership between the global bodies, especially IFSW, IASSW and ICSW. This will be seen in our joint conference in Hong Kong in June 2010.
‘It has been an immense challenge to complete a part-time doctorate whilst also working full-time and in addition serving as IFSW President. I am grateful to my employers for supporting me and to my many friends and colleagues who have given me support and tolerance. I am grateful to Warwick University (England) for helping me successfully to complete the project. I am especially grateful to Rachel and my family for their tolerance and forbearance and for sharing the excitement of this award.
‘I am looking forward to a very active final year as IFSW President, including planning for the major Hong Kong conference, and to planning future challenges! I look forward to continuing to serve international social work in any way which IFSW and the wider community see as helpful,’ David Jones concluded.
Photo © Bethan Lacey
Fonte: http://www.ifsw.org/